A Positive "Digital" #GVFEELING

What do footprints, citizenship and cereal all have to do with our students?

They are all part of how students create a positive, online presence through Digital Citizenship and Digital Branding at Garnet Valley School District. As showcased last year, teachers are stepping it up and taking Digital Citizenship to a new level throughout the district.

K-5 Footprins

In the elementary schools, students begin to understand that each time they post or are posted online, they are leaving a digital “footprint”.  This footprint is never erased and what they do now matters. Students are encouraged to take control of their digital footprint and to leave as much positive content so that it drowns out any of the negative that may appear.  Students in 5th grade sign a pledge to be good digital citizens that is hung in the hallway all year long.  Students learn about positive guidelines to posting and commenting online and are taught to T.H.I.N.K. :

Middle School-Citizenship

In 6th grade students are taking digital citizenship one step further and talking about expectations of being a “DIGIZEN”.  6th graders question what’s on the internet and learn how to make positive choices.  They are analyzing what is safe content from content that could lead to choices that will follow them throughout their lives.   Students learn that they are part of an “invisible audience” and even if you don’t comment or share, you are part of that online community. Students use Commonsensemedia.org to play a game where they are asked to make these choices in a safe environment to see the impact they could leave.  Students learn the value of what to keep private and to stand up against cyberbullying.  

High School-Cereal?

11th Graders are beginning the year by creating their Digital Brand through their Career Development classes.  The class begins by asking students to describe themselves in one sentence using ONLY emojis.  From that sentence students analyze what impression they are putting out to the world.  What information can people gain about you just from one simple sentence and is it what you WANT them to know about you?  

From there, students are asked to collaborate to “sell” a box of cereal.  They look at the box and use details from what they see to sell it to their classmates.  

After creating these sells, students took these skills to the next level to “sell” their individual skills and interests using Digital Portfolios.  Students are introduced to three types of portfolios and then choose which one works for them.   They create a positive presence online that promotes their unique skills and attributes to future colleges and employers.  Thank you to all the teachers who are creating a positive, DIGITAL #GVFeeling!

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