Providing Choice through Genius Hour at GVHS

Feeding the homeless? Talking to NASA?  Improving health through napping?

These are just a few of the topics that can be explored in Mrs. Crowther’s 9th Grade English classes at Garnet Valley High School. Mrs. Crowther is encouraging her students to become problem finders, critical thinkers and world changers by allowing them the opportunity to participate in Genius Hour, a project designed for the classroom by A.J. Juliani and John Spencer. See videos below for an explanation and how to start one in your own classroom.  

This week the students began the project by “pitching their ideas” Shark Tank style.  Each student pitched the following to their peers:
  • The question they wanted to answer
  • Why they chose that question
  • How they would research the answer
  • What they would do with the answer when they found it

We were blown away with the ideas and passions that came from the students.  They were passionate and showed an amazing amount of empathy for others. Their desire to help change the world, to make a difference and to improve their own lives was inspiring and heartwarming. See the complete list below.

When the students realized that they could share this with the world and not just present their findings to the class, the possibilities began to unfold.  No longer did they want to “just do” a Google Slides presentation, but now they wanted to create a survey and write to their congressman.  Other students were going to categorize how to name planets and submit their findings to NASA.  One student started with the final project of feeding the homeless and came to her question through the collaboration of her class: how does feeding the homeless change lives?

Students have a voice and it is so important that they are given the chance to share it. Mrs. Crowther has done an amazing job setting the students up for success by tapping into their passions, reaching out to experts in the field and sharing her own journey through her blog. She is a model for her students as well as a learner with her students. It is going to be an amazing journey and we can’t wait to see what happens by following their blogs, following them on Twitter @CorindaCrowther, and viewing their final projects.

Here is a list of the students projects.  If you think you have something to share with the class or can help guide them to a primary source, please complete this Experts in the Field or reach out to Mrs. Crowther at

Possible Hashtags
How can we make schools more hearing impaired accessible?

Exit Planets Classification

How Glaciers impact us in PA

How to make a good looking photo

Sibling Genetics

Teach myself a complicated guitar piece

Perpetual Machine

The effects of social media on children

What are the benefits of naps?

Virtual Reality-how to use in school

How to play piano-basic notes and sheet music

Political Pendulum

Piano strategies to learn difficult pieces

How to interpret dreams

Learn a difficult piano piece in 2 weeks

How cultures influence the popularity of sports

Engineering colleges in Southern PA

Causes of homophobia

Cosmic Microwave Background

Do we actually have a voice in our government?

Lunch for the Homeless-How does a meal benefit a homeless person?

How do animals behave in captivity vs in the wild?


Paranormal Existence

Effects of Stress and how to reduce

Should athletes be paid in college for playing their sport?


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