Collecting for a Cause and Infusing STEM into learning
At GVMS, some of our 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes, took part in Canstruction, Jr. This project not only taught our students about collecting and donating to a local food bank but important lessons of engineering, math, technology and teamwork really got the job done. Students were challenged to build a structure that correlated with the theme "50 Years and Growing". The theme stems from our district's 50th anniversary. On January 29th, students built there structures and our entire administration team was there to vote on the structures. The following week, students had the opportunity to vote for the student choice award at their lunch time, using google forms. This amazing project was led by one of our Math and Science teacher at GVMS.
Take a minute to check a few of the amazing structures below.
Take a minute to check a few of the amazing structures below.
What a great idea!