Blog #2 Poem in the Pocket

There are so many fun poems out there to read, but honestly, I never really like poetry growing up.  I was never into the famous poets like Elizabeth Browning or Walt Whitman, although they are amazing writers.  It was hard for me to understand the meanings behind their words and understand their imagery.  I "wrote" off poetry and had no interest in it what so ever. And then I became a teacher in April...National Poetry Month! 

Oh no! 

What was I to do?
 I couldn't hide, I wouldn't lie

Oh no, what was I to do?! 

Corny, I know, but the feeling was true!  It wasn't until I began teaching Dr. Seuss, Jack Prelutsky, and Shel Silverstein that I realized how funny it could be.  Then I began to enjoy poetry.  One of my favorites as a kid and even now is Shel Silverstein's "Sick" and my favorite line is the following:

"What's that? What's that you say?
You say today is...Saturday?
G'bye, I'm going out to play!"

Happy National Poetry Day!
G'bye, I'm going out to play! 


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