A Flipped Flip Grid

How do we make instruction more accessible to all our students? How do we make makers of them all? 

Thank you, #FlipGrid!  Mrs. Munro's 3rd and 4th Grade students participated in a Mystery Bag Design Challenge today!  They were each given a bag with mystery supplies in it.  They chose a design challenge "card" and solved the problem using their mystery materials.  Here's how we did it:

1. Instead of making paper cards with written words, we created individual Flip Grid Videos with each of those cards instead. That way all students could listen, visualize and plan without any worry of skill or ability.

2. Each student chose one of those "cards" and made an incredible design. See pics below!

3. When they were done creating, they used Flip Grid to "respond" to one of the challenges. They took a video explaining and showing their designs.

4. Now they are able to listen to each classmates response on their own individual iPads.

Here are the questions Flip Grid solved for us:

1. How do we make an activity that will allow all children, regardless of reading ability, able to participate fully?

2. How can we save time in sharing the projects?

3. Instead of all watching on one tiny iPad, how can students choose which responses they want to see? (Student choice and voice).

4.  How can we easily share this with the world?

5. How can we give students an authentic experience and practice social skills at the same time?

6. How can we give students confidence in their work?

This was simple, but an amazing experience we had today.  Plus the inventions were quite creative!



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