Changing the Look of Math Instruction with Tech Integration

iPads, Explain Everything, Digital Vocabulary Notebooks, are just a few ways our teachers are transforming their Math classrooms with the integration of technology.

High SchoolAt the High School, Many of our Math Teachers are using iPads and Explain Everything as their instructional tools.

Explain Everything Mrs. Anna Truskin, High School Math teacher, is an excellent example of transforming her classroom with the integration of Tech. Mrs. Truskin finds using an iPad and the Explain Everything app a perfect tool for instructing her students in the classroom. She is also able to record lessons using the ipad and the app which is an excellent way for her to flip her classroom and post her lessons for students to view at a later time.
Twitter in the Math ClassroomMrs. Truskin is also using Twitter in her Math Classroom. In her Geometry class, students were asked to create Twitter accounts for certain shapes and tweet conversation to show their understanding of Geometry concepts.

Using Twitter allows students to use social media in the learning process.
Check out these Amazing  Tweets:

Middle School Mike Costill, 6th grade, Middle School Math teacher has transformed his delivery and instruction in the Math classroom. Mr. Costill uses an ipad with the Explain Everything app to record lessons so that his students can watch the lessons from home as well as use the recordings as a reteach of the day's lesson. The lesson is recorded and then posted to the school's Learning Management System, Schoology where students are able to access it at any time of day.
In Mr. Costill's class, each Friday students participate in center-based learning where one group each week becomes the teacher and is required to use the iPad, Explain Everything and manipulatives they may need to teach the lesson they are currently learning. The recording is used to determine what his students know and are able to do. While one group is recording a lesson the other groups can be seen doing the following: finding images and/or videos that relate to their Math vocabulary which they keep in a digital notebook on Google Drive, other students work on Task Cards of previous skills taught.
Check out these videos of student work:

Mr. Costill's Math Class Hard at Work!

Understanding Math Vocabulary later added to digital Math notebooks Using Google Drive


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