Changing the Look of Math Instruction with Tech Integration

iPads, Explain Everything, Digital Vocabulary Notebooks, are just a few ways our teachers are transforming their Math classrooms with the integration of technology. High School At the High School, Many of our Math Teachers are using iPads and Explain Everything as their instructional tools. Explain Everything Mrs. Anna Truskin, High School Math teacher, is an excellent example of transforming her classroom with the integration of Tech. Mrs. Truskin finds using an iPad and the Explain Everything app a perfect tool for instructing her students in the classroom. She is also able to record lessons using the ipad and the app which is an excellent way for her to flip her classroom and post her lessons for students to view at a later time. Twitter in the Math Classroom Mrs. Truskin is also using Twitter in her Math Classroom. In her Geometry class, students were asked to create Twitter accounts for certain shapes and tweet conversation to show their understanding of...