The Revolutionary War Meets The Green Screen

Did you know, The Battle of Trenton was the first great American victory of the Revolutionary War? Or that the British Army was supported by German mercenaries who were nicknamed Hessians?

These are just a few interesting facts the 7th grade students of Mrs. Fender’s Social Studies classes researched and learned to prepare for their own green screen battle reenactments of the Revolutionary War. In class, the students worked cooperatively in groups to research one of the four assigned battles. These battles included: The Battle of Trenton, The Battle of Saratoga, The Battle of Cowpens, and The Battle of Yorktown. The students had time to prepare for their battles by writing a script that would enable them to retell the story of the battle. Their scripts incorporated important events of their battle, including key players from both sides, what strategies were used, and where the battle took place. The students also portrayed how their particular battle had an impact on the Revolutionary War. Finally, the students were ready for battle.

Students recording their battle reenactment
 using the green screen.
The students reenacted their battles in front of a green screen, allowing them to select proper pictures to be displayed behind them during their performance. Not only did Mrs. Fender’s students have fun playing the roles of generals, military men, or even the narrator of their battle story, but they learned the importance of standing up for one’s belief and how the morale of each battle influenced the Patriot’s victory of the Revolutionary War.

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A wooded scene taken from the Battle of Saratoga reenactment.


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