GVHS Students Place First with Project Based Learning at Boeing

GVHS Students Win First Place in Boeing Business Case High School Competition

Mr. Anthony DeCarlo, Garnet Valley High School Teacher leads his students to first place in the Boeing Business Case School Competition. Congratulations to Julia Schwartz, Isabelle Stripling, Erin Hogan, Austin Miller, William Vinci and Nicholas Savarese for taking FIRST place in the Boeng Business Case High School Competition this Monday, April 4. The competition was open to 19 schools with 7 finalists selected. The students worked hard on this project for the past four months, and it paid off as they were all awarded scholarships for their first place finish!
The team was responsible for analyzing and solving a real business challenge facing Apple, Inc. The students had to first submit a written case analysis i order to qualify to present in the finals. In addition to analyzing the case, they had to summarize and present their findings and recommendations to a panel of Boeing Executives. Our team faced intense competition from schools throughout Delaware County and was victorious. 


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