Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead and a Happily Ever After!!! Second Grade students from Mrs. Zecca's class have been reading multiple Fairy Tales with compare and contrast and retelling objectives. Those students came into the C & I Lab at Concord Elementary and used materials such as play doh, legos, and recycled materials to identify the story elements. Once that was completed, students used Chatterpix-kids, iMovie, and Show-me to present their final products! Great Work 2nd Graders! Students building the setting with legos Students building the characters in their story using Play-Doh Ryan and Ellarose made a dragon out of recycled materials. Rory and Allison Comparing and Contrasting two stories using Show-Me! Click here to see Rory and Allison's Comparison of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Goldilocks and the Other Three Bears using the Show-Me app on the iPAD. Ryan, Ellarose, and Josh comparing their stories Click here to s...
Showing posts from April, 2016
Using Virtual Field Trips to Enhance Learning
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Using Skype in the Classroom to Learn Our teachers and students have embraced a new concept and in turn learned so much through the virtual field trips provided by Skype in the Classroom. Many grades have had the opportunity to take part in a virtual field trip. Second Grade at BSES had the opportunity to Skype with Yellowstone National Park and connect with a park ranger there who taught them all about landforms. On two separate occasions, fourth and fifth grade classes had the opportunity to Skype with the Buffalo Bill Center of the West located in Cody, WY. The fifth graders learned about the Native Americans and the Buffalo which was part of their study of Native Americans. The fourth graders learned about animal adaptations which is a part of their Science unit. Using the virtual field trips provided amazing examples and in some cases artifacts to what our ...
Broadening Our Communication in the Dominican
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The Latest SKYPE in the Dominican In the past several months we have been communicating with students in the Dominican Republic who live in the village of Ascension. A Skype that started with one class at GVMS, with Mr. Burt has grown to multiple classes and teachers who are now taking a part in the Skype sessions and communicating with our friends in the Dominican. The ultimate goal is for students in the Dominican to hold a conversation with students at GVMS in English. In our latest conversation, GVMS drafted questions for the Dominican students to answer in English.
GVHS Students Place First with Project Based Learning at Boeing
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GVHS Students Win First Place in Boeing Business Case High School Competition Mr. Anthony DeCarlo, Garnet Valley High School Teacher leads his students to first place in the Boeing Business Case School Competition. Congratulations to Julia Schwartz, Isabelle Stripling, Erin Hogan, Austin Miller, William Vinci and Nicholas Savarese for taking FIRST place in the Boeng Business Case High School Competition this Monday, April 4. The competition was open to 19 schools with 7 finalists selected. The students worked hard on this project for the past four months, and it paid off as they were all awarded scholarships for their first place finish! The team was responsible for analyzing and solving a real business challenge facing Apple, Inc. The students had to first submit a written case analysis i order to qualify to present in the finals. In addition to analyzing the case, they had to summarize and present their findings and recommendations to a panel of Boeing Executives. Our team...
Saving the Red Pandas by Reducing Your Junkmail Project Becomes A Finalist!!!
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One of the 20 finalists for the Philadelphia Zoo's UNLESS Project Mrs. Cathie Brodsky, 2nd grade, ATP teacher at Concord, took part in the Philadelphia Zoo's UNLESS Project of Saving the Red Panda by Reducing your Junkmail. The project the students submitted has become one of the Top 20 finalists. Mrs. Brodsky and her class will take part in a awards ceremony on May 16, 2016 where they will announce the grand prize winner. Take a look at the project they created and submitted. We are so proud of our 2nd grade students and Mrs. Brodsky. Save the Red Panda Video
Kindergartners + The Three Little Pigs = STEAM Project
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The Three Little Pigs with some STEAM Mrs. Dana Calderone, a Reading Specialist at Concord Elementary School, taught the letter "P" to her class of kindergartners last week. The students learned about the letter P by learning about pigs. After reading the story of "The Three Little Pigs" students were challenged to build a house the big, bad wolf couldn't blow down. Students brainstormed ideas of what they could build their house out of, created blueprints of the houses they were to build and got to work building. After two days, each student created a house and wrote about why they chose the materials they did to hopefully keep the wolf from blowing down his or her house. On the last day, students tested their homes to see if the Big, Bad Wolf could blow their house down. Check it out, all the houses survived the wolf. To end this exciting experience, She used Green Screen for each child to tell his/her story of the " Three Little Pigs" ...