
Showing posts from November, 2016

1st Grade, Design Challenges and Thanksgiving = Learning and Fun All in One @ BSES

Design Thinking & 1st Graders During American Education Week, Mrs. Sullivan’s First graders, at  BSES and their special guests visited the Collaboration and Innovation Lab.  At the lab the students and special guests participated in a Design Challenge. Each group was assigned a different challenge. Students were given specific materials to build the following challenges. They constructed amazing structures. Design Challenge #1 - Turkey Hideaway - Using legos, lincoln logs, cardboard, and duck tape, build a hideout for the cut out turkey. Do not leave any part of the turkey to be seen. Check out these amazing hideouts: Design Challenge #2 - Thanksgiving Table - Using popsicle sticks and dice build a Thanksgiving table to fit all the Thanksgiving trimmings you have been given. Do not let any of the items touch another item and nothing can be hanging over the side of the table. Check out these amazing tables: Design Ch...

Teaching Sustainability Through Simulated Fishing Fleets

Providing Real-life Experiences through Online Simulations Tech Ed. teacher, Brian Sherrer, at GVHS, provides real-life experiences to his students through online simulations. Mr. Sherrer had students partner together to run their own simulated fishing fleet. He used Schoology to collect the necessary data from his students, then created account for each partner group. The first goal of the simulation was to make the most money and learn about the Tragedy of the Commons. On the first day, his students made it to year 9 before they had to decimate the fish population. The simulation continued the following day and the second goal, was to make the fish population last as long as possible while still keeping their fishing fleet bottom line in the black. Mr. Sherrer’s students enjoy the hands-on, real-life, tech integrated lessons that provide meaning to their learning. Overview of Lesson Posted to Schoology Students fill out a Google Form to determine the ocean students ch...